Building Pathways To A Complete Workforce

IGC is the resource every employer needs to hire and retain employees with intellectual disabilities.

Platform Features


Monthly events offering actionable strategies to successfully integrate employees with disabilities

Job Posting Revisions

Guided process to ensure your posts are clear on role essentials and welcoming to all abilities

Resource Library

Mini-lessons, articles, and case studies to grow both knowledge and skillsets for team leaders

Candidate Sourcing

Employers post jobs to the IGC Network, a weekly job board seen by the disabled community
Empty space, drag to resize

Same-Day Coaching

Access professional same-day coaching and custom plans when unique challenges arise


Strategize with IGC to scale your initiative company-wide

Experience the difference

More than a platform, In Good Company is the support system for leaders growing their team with employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Whether it’s education, recruitment, or retention, In Good Company has the resources to fit every leader’s needs.
Platform Teaser Video by Sarah Naumann
All event links, recordings and materials

Hotel Equities

Webinars and Manager Forums

Upcoming events

Forums are opportunities for managers, supervisors, and executives to share successes and navigate challenges of their inclusive hiring journey, with our managers. Webinars provide deeper dives into lessons over a 30-minute time period.

Mini Lessons

Condensed lessons that can help you digest new concepts quickly and easily.

Employers: Ready to Post your Job? Submit Here.

Are you looking to attract top talent to your organization? You're in the right place! Our streamlined job posting form is designed to help employers like you share opportunities with a wide pool of qualified candidates.

Learn more about Ryan's story at El Vinedo.

Hear from Dr. Blum about the importance of integrated employment.

Learn about the great work happening at the Shepherd Hotel.
Story series

Pull Up a Seat Series

A spotlight on different members of the IGC community who want to share their story of what brought them here.

Hear from our users

"Ryan's been with us a little over a year and a half. He's here, he's loyal, we haven't had to train anyone else to do what he does. As a matter of fact, he's gotten more efficient, so we've been able to add things to his plate that we would have had to hire someone else to do, or take someone off the floor to complete."
Robert Kaster - Restaurant Owner, Atlanta, GA

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